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Geekbench 5

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14 k downloads

Check your smartphone or tablet's performance at the touch of a button

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Geekbench 5 is a tool that, by means of diagnostic tests, examines the processing power of smartphones and tablets in order to check their performance. With an intuitive and easy-to-use interface plus lightning-fast results, Geekbench 5 is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to optimize and get the most out of their Android devices.

Using Geekbench 5 couldn't be simpler: once the app is open, just select between 'Compute Benchmark' or 'CPU Benchmark.' Tapping on either option automatically activates the testing process and, after a few seconds, displays a list of all the system components on your smartphone or tablet that have been tested, as well as as their performance.

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Geekbench 5 also gives you a score after each test to help you compare the status of your device against devices owned by other users with the app. In short, this is a simple way to check if your device is keeping up with the average performance or if it needs an upgrade.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 7.0 or higher required

Information about Geekbench 5 5.5.1

Package Name com.primatelabs.geekbench5
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
Author Primate Labs Inc.
Downloads 14,029
Date Feb 10, 2023
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 5.4.6 Android + 7.0 Jan 31, 2023
apk 5.4.4 Android + 7.0 Jan 31, 2023
apk 5.4.3 Android + 7.0 Jan 31, 2023
apk 5.4.2 Android + 7.0 Jan 31, 2023
apk 5.4.1 Android + 7.0 Jan 31, 2023
apk 5.4.0 Android + 7.0 Jan 31, 2023

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